External Circular No. 1/2017- Customer’s Funds Segregation Form, the Companies Operating in the Field of Securities |
Amendments to the Income Tax Law |
money laundering and financing of terrorism measures |
Controls for providing services other than audit services - Public shareholding companies, investment funds and auditors' offices |
تعديل بعض احكام اللائحة التنظيميه لقانون سوق راس المال المتعلقه بالافصاح |
disclosure of general meeting invtation on MSM website |
circular N(2/2015) General Managers Joint stock Campanies Investement Funds |
الافصاح عن المكافات المدفوعه لكبار الموظفين |
Workshop on Awareness and Guidance in suspicious financial transaction in the Sultanate |
Disclosure of the quarterly result of the issuer of securities |