issuing the rules for pricing mechanism in public offering of shares |
تحديد الحد الأدنى للتصنيف الآمن للأدوات الاستثمارية لاستثمار أصول شركات التأمين التكافلي خارج السلطنة |
اعتماد مكتب مزارز للاستشارات والتدقيق (ش.ش.و) لمراقبة حسابات الشركات والمؤسسات الخاضعة لرقابة الهيئة |
Amending some provisions of the regulations governing insurance brokers business |
CMA Amends Clearance and Settlement Regulation |
Governance principles of companies in which the government owns stakes or has influence - English version will be provided soon |
Specifying Electronic Trading Commission in the Muscat Securities Market |
Issuing the Rules for Convening General Meetings of Public Joint Stock Companies and Investment Funds Via Electronic means |
Basic system model for public joint stock companies ( English version will be provided soon) |