Tamkeen 2021 Focuses on Specialized Training Programs

05 July 2021

79% Omanization Ratio in the Insurance Sector in 2020


Tamkeen 2021 Focuses on Specialized Training Programs


The Capital Market Authority continued its policy to enhance Omanization ratios in the insurance sector according to Tamkeen initiative which was announced in 2018 in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour to achieve  qualitative Omanization ratios focusing on enhancing the national cadres in the medium and senior managerial positions rather than focusing on the operational roles in the insurance sector in line with the Oman 2040 Vision which aims to encourage the private to take the lead  in the development process , actively contribute to the national economy and to create employment opportunities for the citizens.


CMA adopted replacement approach by creating integrated database for the national cadres in the sector showing their details and qualifications. The policy faced challenges but achieved positive results with remarkable presence for the national cadres at the various levels of the industry.


CMA adopted this approach in the Omanization policy for more than 5 years in a national initiative coupled with technical training and qualification to furnish national cadres able to fill the various managerial and technical positions and contribute to building specialized national capacities in the industry as well as creating attractive work environment in view of the competition in the labour market.


Hence, annual plans continued since 2015 focusing on the quality of the training programs offered to the trainees to provide qualified Omanis for specific specialized roles through long term and short term programs with the participants being selected according to academic qualifications and work experience beside Omanization ratio in the sector. The plan included four stages starting with comprehensive analysis of the data in the CMA portal which shows clear readings of Omanization ratios in the managerial and technical roles, analysis of the qualification and experiences available in the sector to indentify the fields of training programs and their quality and content as well as setting training standards to achieve the objects of Tamkeen.


It is noteworthy that the statistical indices for the year 2020 show that the Omanization ratio in the sector was 79% with 51.7% in senior roles, 72.4% in medium managerial and technical roles and 85.7% in operational positions.