General Insurance Underwriting Certificate Training Program

02 December 2021

General Insurance Underwriting  Certificate Training  Program


The Capital Market Authority will organize  next week a training program “ General Insurance Underwriting  Certificate” in collaboration with the College of Banking and Financial Studies and the  Insurance Institute of India . The 15 day program will be conducted within the Tamkeen training program for the Omani cadres working in the insurance sector to upgrade the skills and aptitude of the employees working in general insurance underwriting, marketing and those who are qualified for promotion to senior administrative levels in underwriting departments.


The program will focus on risk management, insurance concept and general insurance underwriting as well as all types of general insurance prevailing in the Omani market and methods of underwriting and reinsurance to acquaint the participant with the ways for dealing with different insurance products from underwriting perspective  to achieve efficient insurance underwriting.


CMA has had held earlier this year a program on “Basics of General Insurance” which was a short term program  for the promotion of the skills of the employees in insurance underwriting and highlighted  the key roles of insurance underwriters with the participation of a number of employees of operational departments in insurance companies. The program’s aims is to enable the Omani employees to take senior positions and Omanization of underwriting departments in insurance companies as the analysis of the sector’s employees data  shows that  Omanization  ratios  are below the requirements.