CMA plays key role in drafting the laws and regulations governing the capital market and insurance sectors and endeavors to improve and amend such laws continuously in line with global and regional developments taking into consideration the uniqueness of Oman and maintaining the rights of stakeholders in the capital and insurance sectors.
The Financial Services Authority follows the guide issued by the MTCIT "Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology" with the aim of finding a suitable mechanism for dialogue and interaction with the users of the Authority's website, listening to their views and receiving their complaints and suggestions.
Our commitment:
We are committed to receiving, studying, and responding to your posts with a thoughtful answer with care and concern whenever these observations or proposals fall within the scope of the commission's work, and from your side we expect you to act responsibly by refraining from expressing opinions, comments or comments that are not related to the work of the commission or are inappropriate or compatible with The principles of electronic participation, the violating posts will be deleted immediately and excluded from the study or reply.